The Surfer

IPL causes a TV frenzy

A first look at the ratings by TAM Peoplemeter System shows that IPL has delivered a record opening, write Ratna Bhushan and Surbhi Goel in the Economic Times

A first look at the ratings by TAM Peoplemeter System shows that IPL has delivered a record opening, write Ratna Bhushan and Surbhi Goel in the Economic Times.
Official broadcaster Sony Max says it will now hike spot rates to Rs 3.5-4 lakh per 10 seconds for the remaining matches. Said SET president Rohit Gupta: “The response from television audiences and stadia has been higher than what we expected. People rooting for Sanath Jayasuriya in an Indian stadium was unheard of but it happened.”
In the Indian Express, Shivani Naik traces Lalit Modi's fetish for funky team names.
Whether it's the Rajsamand Pelicans or Jhunjunu Dragons, they greet you revealing a set of canines that could never add up to a friendly grin. Even the usually-docile camel seems to acquire predatory pouts under the Barmer-district banner. Lalit Modi's fetish for team names, elaborate logos, and scope for merchandising can be traced back to two seasons ago when he decided to distribute these tags to 32 districts, which now play under these banners.
The saga surrounding the Eden Gardens pitch is far from over. An investigation by the Kolkata Telegraph has revealed that the Cricket Association of Bengal (CAB) did not go through even the basic ground drill before throwing open the ground for the opening game.

Siddhartha Vaidyanathan is a former assistant editor at Cricinfo